Justin Jedlica
Although a new addition to the Katapult family, Justin adds his expertise as a life coach specialized in the Field of Aesthetics. You may know him from the multitude of media exposure which dubbed him as “The Human Ken Doll”. Justin earned this title from his 16+ years of personal experience with plastic surgery and while his cosmetic alterations might only be skin deep, his insight with using body modification as a tool in building confidence and self esteem has proven instrumental in helping many individuals.
Plastic and reconstructive surgeries have the ability to repair our self-image and/or allow us to gain a courage and tenacity that can open up a whole new world of promise. Being a consultant in the field of Plastic Surgery, Justin knows that your body is your temple and he’s here to act as the architect—your design specialist. He retains an arsenal of the most skilled, accredited, cosmetic medical specialists who act with the utmost discretion. Justin is regarded throughout the media as being a pioneer on the “cutting edge” of innovation in Plastics genre. At Katapult, Justin offers his services to be your personal advocate, aiding in the process of transformation. Justin’s specialized knowledge will help guide you to the most direct and comprehensive route to achieving your desired aesthetic result; the benefits of which, can be exponentially larger than those found in any mirror.