• Confidential Coaching
  • Katapult Brand Ambassador

A Message from Dr. Zoe

Effective leaders know the importance of evolution and rejuvenation. Katapult services facilitate everything you need to sustain the success of your impact.
Our company has two purposes: To ensure people come into the full essence of who they were created to be and to create financial opportunities.

Testimonial Dr. Zoe
Dr. Zoe
Founder & President

Certification & Leadership Training

Learn how to facilitate the evolution of others and become a top industry leader in your field. Space is limited, so apply now to secure your spot on our roster

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VIP Branding

Make a lasting impression through parallel web design, business consultation, social media platforms, and a logo that truly reflects your brand's unique image.

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Confidential Coaching

High-end, 1 on 1 confidential coaching is for industry leaders in business, entertainment, sports, politics and religion. You’ll receive the tools you need to raise your game and reach your goals.

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Become a Brand Ambassador

Make some extra $$$. Qualify for bonuses and incentives each month. Learn proven industry sales techniques. Join a family of professionals pushing each other to succeed!

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Dr. Zoe's tactics are hardly mainstream when it comes to consulting, PR or management. Her mouth often has no filter but it's just what I needed to make it.

Multi-Platinum recording Artist & 8x Grammy Award Winner -
Life Coach Certification

Certification & Leadership Training

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VIP Branding

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Confidential Coaching

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Katapult Lux Retreats

Isn’t it time for you to take some time to get away? Come rub elbows with other top industry leaders. Have a refreshing time to rejuvenate, while getting fresh perspectives from intelligent, enlightened trendsetters. Katapult Enterprises now offers our Life Coach / Consultant Certifications and Leadership Training in small luxury...

Building Trust with High Profile Clients

When attracting and building a level of trust with a high profile client never be intimidated by power, money or influence. If you are bringing value into their lives or businesses in a genuine way on a consistent basis, not only will you have them as clients, you will keep them.

A Modern Day Olivia Pope?

Dr. Zoe’s gained respect for her ability to tell it like it is and preach the gospel to her clients. Speaking of which, there was one brave soul who spoke openly and candidly about her counseling services. “I have found Dr. Zoe to be that person who immediately you feel a comfort with her,” Bishop Randy White told The Source.

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